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MID-SESSION UPDATE: Budget Proposals and Legislation Addressing California’s Health Workforce

With budget season beginning in earnest in Sacramento and the legislative session moving toward its halfway point, the Administration and Legislature have demonstrated a clear understanding of the scale of California’s looming health workforce challenges—and have begun to advance a range of substantive proposals to take on the state’s provider shortages and improve access to care.

In February, the California Future Health Workforce Commission released a final report highlighting a number of priority actions the state must take to produce enough of the right type of health workers, with the right skills, in the right places to meet the needs of California’s growing and increasingly diverse population.

There is positive momentum on many of the Commission’s recommendations, including new funding in the Governor’s Revised Budget Proposal (called the May Revision) and a range of active legislative proposals targeting health workforce. More detail on each of these proposals can be found beneath the summary below:

The May Revision:

Legislative Activity:


The Governor declared at his budget press conference on May 9 that he wants to be known as California’s “health care governor,” introducing a range of initiatives for expanding access to care and bringing costs down—including new proposals for growing the state’s health workforce, improving behavioral health care, and preparing the health system to care for an aging population. In his remarks, the Governor acknowledged the foundations that supported the California Future Health Workforce Commission for highlighting many of these issues and inspiring his administration to take action.

“I don’t know what a governor has done more boldly in 120 days,” Newsom said of his health proposals, which acknowledge California’s growing workforce shortages, especially in “rural parts of the state and among primary care and behavioral health providers.” “I want to lower the cost curve, I want to deliver broader access and I want to improve quality—particularly on wellness and prevention, and move away from acute care and emergency care. I want to see how far we can push it with the state.”

The Governor’s updated budget asks for a total of $342 million in one-time and ongoing funding to expand California’s health workforce. The budget seeks to target funding in three distinct ways—all of which are consistent with the Commission’s recommendations.

1. The Governor’s January budget and May Revision include $122 million to address health workforce shortages, including:

2. The May Revision would invest an additional $100 million from the Mental Health Services Fund for the new 2020-25 Workforce Education and Training (WET) Five-Year Plan, which provides a framework for the state, local governments, community partners, educational institutions, and other stakeholders to begin to address the shortage of qualified mental health professionals in the public mental health system. (Commission Recommendation 1.5)

3. Finally, the May Revision allocates $120 million in Prop 56 funds to the Medi-Cal loan repayment program. Combined with amounts allocated in the 2018 Budget Act, the May Revision would make $340 million available for the program over the next several years. Of this total, $290 million is for physicians and $50 million for dentists—with all awardees required to make a five-year commitment to maintain a patient caseload of 30 percent or more Medi-Cal beneficiaries. (Commission Recommendation 1.6)

Members of the Legislature have also made closing care gaps a top priority in this session. On March 25, the Assembly Budget Committee’s Subcommittee 1 (Health and Human Services) and Subcommittee 2 (Education Finance) held a joint informational hearing on California’s health workforce. After the May Appropriations Committee deadline, 14 bills that seek to expand the health workforce pipeline remain in the 2019-20 legislative session (see below).

Active 2019 Legislation Related to Health Workforce

Additional Two-Year Bills Relevant to Workforce Commission Priority Recommendations

Master Plan on Aging

Gov. Newsom, State of the State Address, February 12, 2019:
“Over the next decade, our statewide senior population will increase by 4 million. In 25 years, it will double. And more than half will require some form of long-term care… It is time for a new Master Plan on Aging. It must address person-centered care, the patchwork of public services, social isolation, bed-locked seniors in need of transportation, the nursing shortage and demand for In-Home Supportive Services that far outpaces its capacity.”

There are five active bills related to the Master Plan on Aging.

Commission on the Future of Work

Gov. Newsom, State of the State Address, February 12, 2019:
“It’s time to develop a new modern compact for California’s changing workforce… California needs a comprehensive statewide strategy to uplift and upskill our workers. We will appoint a new Commission on California’s Workforce & Future of Work.”

Legislation on this issue:


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